Trademark Policy

Saponato shops and seller community continues to grow while creating some remarkable products.  Saponato has a desire to do everything we can to support the innovation, growth, ingenuity, and entrepreneurial spirit of our sellers.  In order to avoid any confusion with our intellectual property that could arise about whether Saponato has endorsed, has control of, has even created products.  We are very proud of Saponato and what we have and continue to build, which includes the trust we have earned.  To prevent any confusion about Saponato’s involvement in your work and to be sure that you receive the credit deserved for your hard work, we created this “Trademark Policy,” to give you confidence to create and what to share about Saponato in a reasonable and responsible manner.

The Trademark Policy is part of the Saponato Terms of Use.  By using any of Saponato’s services you agree to this and out Terms of Use.  Questions regarding intellectual property not owned by us please refer to the Saponato Intellectual Property Policy. 

1. Saponato Trademarks

“Saponato Trademarks” or “Saponato Marks” or our “Marks” include but are not limited to the logos, designs, graphics, tag lines, words and any and all matrix or indicators that identify Saponato as the originator of a product or service(s). As an example, the familiar purple official “Saponato” with our leaf’s logo and the name Saponato are a few of the most important Saponato assets. Saponato is a vetted, industry specific community that you should be proud to be a part of. We have and continue to put a great deal of effort to ensure that everything we provide to you is of the highest quality. Part of doing that is to protect you brand identity, trademarks and reputation. The Saponato Marks are trademarks of Saponato, protected in the US and throughout the world.

2. Use and using the Saponato Trademarks

Speaking of Saponato Honestly and Openly

We welcome and encourage all forms of truthful and legitimate comments about Saponato. When you mention Saponato, particularly in writing please be careful of spelling our name correctly, the ‘o’s and ‘a’s and easily transferred, such as Saponota or Sopanato. If you are a member of the media, please see our Press page.

Do freely share your Saponato shop URL.

Do freely share your experiences, like a great sale that came through or how many new customers you have added.

Do not use the Saponato Marks in any way that might be defamatory, unlawful, misleading, deceitful, or used in a way that is in violation of our policies or is otherwise objectionable to us. Doing so is something we would have issues with.
Saponato’s Logo(s)

The use of Saponato logos on things like business cards, banners, letterhead, and promotional products is considered for the most part to be commercial use. Doing so can be very confusing. Saponato does not permit these uses of our Marks without prior express written approval from us.

Do not use Saponato official logos on merchandise without prior permission.

Branding and Name Use

There is definitely a time and place for the use of the Saponato Marks, there are times when using the Marks can go beyond that right place. Basically, you are not permitted to use the Saponato Marks (or marks that are similar or could be viewed as such), in whole or in part, in a manner that infers a relationship with Saponato might not be accurate – As an example, that you speak on behalf of, are employed by, or have authorization to commit us in any way.  Further, we don’t allow the Saponato trademark to be part of your company or shop name, we also don’t allow the ownership, registration or use of a domain name that contains the “Saponato” trademark.

DO feel free to share your Saponato shop name and URL on your business cards.

Do not use our official logos on your business cards.

Do not change, alter, modify, or distort the Saponato Marks, which includes removing part of the Saponato Marks to create new words and / or adding other terms to the Saponato Marks to create new words.

Do not use our Marks in social media profile photos or usernames.

Do not create contain that appears to mimic or is similar or uses the Saponato site look and feel.

Ways to describe and promote your original content, events and advertising your shop

We are so thankful to those of you who create helpful content or who utilize marketing opportunities to promote their shop(s), like maximizing search engine marketing (SEM) including Google Ads.  However, as such things are generally commercial use, we must be mindful of how the Saponato Marks are used.  To differentiate all of your excellent products and everything that you are doing from Saponato’s official content, advertising, promotions, and events, we ask that you follow the information provided below.

We love when you create original content relative to Saponato whether that content is a video, podcast, book, or other materials. When doing so we encourage you to reference Saponato and how the content relates to us. You can definitely use the Saponato name in the title of the content, providing that our other Marks are not the most obvious part of the name. “Most obvious” using Saponato as the first word in the title or as the brightest word by size, color, or font. Your branding and the efforts of your hard work should be what stands out, not the Saponato Marks. A disclaimer can also be helpful, as an example: “Saponato is a trademark of Saponato, LLC.  This content is endorsed or created by Saponato, LLC.”

Do use the Saponato name, not as the most prominent area of the piece.

Do use a disclaimer that clearly shows your content is about Saponato and not by Saponato.

Do get our permission to use the Saponato logo and any other Marks.